Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I'm thankful for a ba-jillion things - friends and family, good health, having a good job during such uncertain/hard times, but although small and insignificant in comparison, the following are also things that I am thankful for this year...

Unconditional love from my best friends. No matter how bad my day, how terrible I look, or how sick I am, they will still cuddle up with me and give me loves. (well...they're giving Kev loves here).

Leggings!! While slacks and jeans may no longer fit [well] leggings always fit and are uber comfy.

The Gym. Not only do I love to work out, it's good for me and always makes takes the edge off after a stressful day. Win-win.

Books you start reading and get so caught up you lose track of time.

Reality TV. It's true, I watch a lot of crap... A LOT. But it makes me appreciate things in my life. I am thankful for Teen Mom for making me appreciate Kevin so much more...and that Gary or any of the other losers are not my baby daddy and that I was never and will never be a teen mom.
On that note, I am also thankful for shows such as Fear Factor (so excited that it's made a comeback) as I will hopefully never be in a position where I will be eating worms, scorpions, flies, buffalo testicles, etc. Ga-ross.
Speaking of Fear Factor, I'm thankful that Joe Rogan is still the host. He is nice to look at and has aged well...and his sleeves are sexy. He is definitely my #1 celeb crush.

I'm sure there's more...but that's good for now. :)

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